† 36 †

† 36 †

Nospherato: Hair: *Dura-Boy*51(L-Platinum) Necklace: BOX IM PIXEL BOX - Necklace "Magic's Secrets" Tank: [R3] - Mens Tank - Mr Nice (not for sale) Bracelets: MALE[MANDALA]SANKARA_Bracelet set_BLACK Pants: Elysium - Grunge Pants - Liquid

† 35 †

† 35 †

Nospherato: Hair: ~Tableau Vivant~Nyoki Hair - Solstice Piercing: :Hebenon Vial: Aggression [Ink] Tattooo: .Reckless. - Life Pants: ::ZED:: MESH Charcoal Python Leather Utility Pants Boots: [DustyHut]Repairman Boots - clean Pose: ::ChuChi'S:: relaxing:: Billita:

† 34 †

† 34 †

Nospherato Hair: ~Tableau Vivant~ Abel hair Horns: Obscure Chained Horns Eyes: Ama. Blackout Eyes [ horror festive ] Body tattoo: Ama. : Shattered [ horror festive ] Hands: -DRD- demonhands male Belt: *BLITZED*

† 33 †

† 33 †

Nospherato Hair: >> Aeros Hair Raul << Naturals :: basic five Goggles: [ Obscure ] - Wayfarer Goggles Vest: Razor /// Trekka Vest w/ Shirt Necklace: +grasp+/Three strand chain necklace/Mens Armwarmers: Razor ///

† 32 †

† 32 †

Nospherato:  Hair: [INK] Hair___COSMOS-A :BR-Gacha-(The Mens Dept) Skin: 7 Deadly s{K}ins - Christmas skin HUNT Storm Necklace: +grasp+/Three strand chain necklace/Mens Outfit: Elliot Male FashionNatic Billita: Hair: [^.^Ayashi^.^] Riko hair-The Unique Mini Fair

† 31 †

† 31 †

Hair: * PINK HUSTLER * *PH* 8022 Tattoo: {Speakeasy} Vintage Ink Tattoo The Unique Mini Fair Top: [I<3F] Sira Top The Unique Mini Fair Short: Alyce - Tiny Denim Shorts Legband: .DirtyStories. BlackDevil

† 30 †

† 30 †

Pose: =fashiowl poses - [The Unique Mini Fair Xmas] Nospherato: Hair: TRUTH HAIR Neria -  variety Skin: 7 Deadly s{K}ins - FABIAN v2 [ From Tales of Fantasy ] Armour: [The Forge] Eldar Armour, Male (Worn Black) Pants: [The Forge] Bran Pants S

† 29 †

† 29 †

Nospherato: Hair: Exile::Nothing Else Matters Naturals Jacket: Mesh - Leather Knit Jacket RUFUS -REDGRAVE Pants: FitMesh - HipHopJeans+Belt - BOLD / Black - REDGRAVE Boots: ::GB::WT_HC_Studs black Billita: Hair: MOON // Chrloroform Mutt