† 80 † † 80 † † Nospherato † Hair: ~Tableau Vivant~ Hatsuhi Eyepatch: [The Forge] Skull Cutter Eyepatch Vest: V-Spot - Reckless Leather Vest GRINNIN [ RAFF ] Guitar: ::TI:: Rock N Skull - Guitar - Brown [
† 79 † † 79 † † Billita † Hair: [^.^Ayashi^.^] Saiko hair- [RAFF] Headband: .PANIK. Skully Headband - Black/Carbon Skin: 7 Deadly s{K}ins - AISHA v1 Dress: .:Pulse:. Punk Affair Dress [RAFF] Legbands: G.ID-Supervisor Garter Black Matte Shoes:
† 78 † † 78 † † Billita † Hair: [RA] Robin Hair - Fatpack [RAFF] Jacket: Suicide Gurls - Neith Jacket [RAFF] Tattoo: .ARISE. Booze Facetattoo (tintable) Skirt: -SU!- Tutu Skirt BLACK Stockings: .EMBW. Animal Stockings Botas :::insanya:::
† 77 † † 77 † † Nospherato † Hair: ::Exile:: Tidal: Dark Blondes Shirt: V-Spot // Beachin' Shirt [ MENSWAR FASHION WEEK ] B.Tattoo: AITUI TATTOO - Biomech Disaster Shorts: V-Spot // Beachin' Baggy Shorts [ MENSWAR FASHION
† 76 † † 76 † †Billita† Hair: *~*Damselfly*~*Ivey Mesh Tuxedo Ears: AITUI - Gen 4: Elf Ears, Traveller Plugs - Ring Choker: FK! - DethRocker Choker Top: .HW. RAWK Tee // Rockstar [RAFF] Tattoo: { DATUM } Dusk
† 75 † † 75 † † Nospherato † Hair: ~Tableau Vivant~ Mystic hair - Basics Face Paint: **UrbanStreet** Face Paint--Darkness [ CarnEvil ] Tank: [[NS]] Baphomet Men's Grunge Slim Tank Gloves: Razor /// Foe Gloves - Fatal w/HUD
† 74 † † 74 † † Nospherato † Hair: ~Tableau Vivant~ Choko hair Piercing: !NFINITY Evil Piercing [ CarnEvil ] Hoodie: [ abrasive ] Corrupt Hoodie - Devil Horns [ The Rock Attitude Fashion Fair 2, Opens March
† 73 † † 73 † † Nospherato † Hair: *booN MWO577 hair black/chocolate/purple DREADS Tattoo: .Reckless. - Life Boxer: GAS [Tinned MESH Boxer Briefs - 8 colors with HUD] Legs Tattoo: Letis Tattoo - Tonga - MM919 Bed:
† 72 † † 72 † † Nospherato † Hair: ~Tableau Vivant~ Dreadlocks series - Monk Hair Tank: Lucien.Marcelo // BLACK LEATHER PIN TUCK TANK TOP UNZIP Shorts: Apple May Designs - Male Camo Cargo Capri's - Desert Shoes:
† 71 † † 71 † † Billita † Hair: +Spellbound+ Nightshade // Chapter II : Sky Blindfold: *:..Silvery K..:*Blindfold(non Rigged Mesh)Black Tattoo: Suicide Gurls - Eos Unisex Tattoo Neck: *:..Silvery K..:*Neck Corset Mesh(Black) Top: [Syn] Rebecca Tube Top
† 70 † † 70 † † Billita † Hair: TRUTH HAIR Lagertha - variety Skin: 7 Deadly s{K}ins Temperance Skin Fair Special 2015 Facechain: [Keystone] Vaika's Jewels [Box] Outfit: Mesh Head - White Checker Outfit † Nospherato †
† 69 † † 69 † † Nospherato † Hair: [INK] Hair___COSMOS-A :BR Pants: RFyre Hardtails II - Mesh Leather Pants - Belt Inc † Billita † Hair: ^;^CaTwA^;^ Mesh Zelda Hair Blindfold: Goth1c0: Leather Blindfold Bodysuit: Suicide Gurls
† 68 † † 68 † † Billita † Hair: [Entwined] Electra - Naturals B Headband: .HW. Thana - Headpiece- Skin: 7 Deadly s{K}ins - Raven [ [B] UniQue ] Choker: tapi :: posh spike choker Tattoo: Suicide Gurls -
† 66 † † 66 † †Billita† Hair: little bones. Widow - B&W Headband: .PANIK. Skully Headband - Black/Carbon Skin: 7 Deadly s{K}ins - TEMPERANCE [ Skin Fair 2015 ] Eyeliner: .:Glamorize:. Onyx Eyeliners - 4 Black Eyeliners Dress:
† 65 † † 65 † † Billita † Hair: !lamb. Darling (Mesh) - Ombre & Root Pack Outfit: ***ArisAris AA87 Atypical Biker Outfit [Biker´s Choice Fair] † Nospherato † Hair: ::MF:: Ramy Hair Style- BLACK [Biker´s Choice Fair] Tattoo: [[E]]mpathy-Skull
† 64 † † 64 † † Billita † Hair: CATWA HAIR RockStar [Biker's Choice Fair] Choker: tapi :: posh spike choker Top: Blueberry - Arla - Leather Bustier - [Biker's Choice Fair] Arms: [R3] - Minako Arm Warmers [V3]