† 323 †

† 323 †

† Billita † Hair: (Chemistry) Hair - Harlie Needle: *katat0nik* (dark) LobAutumny Needle Head & Neck: **UrbanStreet** HalloGacha  [Suicide Dollz] Lingerie: T&S - Temptation Lingerie White - Rare  Claws: Suicide Gurls - Cerentine

† 322 †

† 322 †

† Billita † (Poisoned Diamond) Ghost Avatar

† 321 †

† 321 †

† Nospherato † Hair: no.match_ ~ NO_SHELTER ~  Pants: {Fe Style} Rowein Pants [MOM] Kicks: = REBELLION = "TREY" KICKS (CAMO GREY) Shoulders: Legal Insanity - shoulders USA flag

† 320 †

† 320 †

† Nospherato † Mask: 7mad;Ravens Freakazoid-MoMo Tattoo: { Speakeasy } Open Eyes Tattoo  Bracelet: = REBELLION = "NAGA" DRAGON BRACELET (SILVER) & (RED) [GACHA] Scene Props: 7mad;Ravens Clown Stuff [The Fantasy Collective]

† 319 †

† 319 †

† Billita † Hair: [LeLutka]-VAGUE hair/Naturals Lolipop: .Chu.Treat ! Lolipop - Mouthie  Necklace: .HW. 3rd Eye .Necklace // RARE  [Freak Show] Top: ::Fulana'S:: Splash Top - Black & White Bracelet: ShiZZo - Geo

† 318 †

† 318 †

† Billita † Hair: .Olive. the Steffi Hair - Naturals  Collar: T&S - Pandora Posture Collar Tattoo: **UrbanStreet**ButterLost [SaNaRae] Corset: ..::PD::.. She Dead corset [Kinky Monthly] Short:  Razor /// Vas Micro Shorts -

† 317 †

† 317 †

† Nospherato † Hair: no.match_ ~ NO_ATTENTION ~ Pack of BLACKS Tattoo: { Speakeasy } Open Eyes Tattoo (unpacked) Pants: REDGRAVE - HipHopJeans+Belt - BOLD / Black Boots: [MSN Design] Tim Sneakers Boots [FAT PACK]

† 316 †

† 316 †

† Billita † Hair: TRUTH HAIR Bexley -  variety Chain: Suicide Gurls - Etna HeadChain Tattoo: Suicide Gurls - Revenga Unisex Tattoo [Suicide Dollz] Vest: Chemical Princess {Pandora Vest}[Kinky Monthly] Gloves: -BOD- Gift

† 315 †

† 315 †

† Billita † Hair: Doe: Finn - Pastels Outfit: AFI Designs SLASHED outfit Top: ::drbc:: gia bomb harness - basic black Skirt: .::DMD::. Cupid Skirt Socks: *MUKA* Thigh Socks Patterns Board: ~*S.E.*~ Slave

† 314 †

† 314 †

† Billita † Hair: +Spellbound+ Sacred Rite // Chapter II : Sky  Mask: [Glitzz] Domonique blindfould black [Kinky Monthly] Collar: .Winged. Heart Collar_ Full pack [Kinky Monthly] Dress: [LF] Hatsune V2 Outfit Ant [Pastel

† 313 †

† 313 †

† Billita † Hair: L+N Faith Mesh Hair Brown Glasses: DAZED. - Heiva Glasses Onyx Outfit: N-Uno - Claris Outfit # 4 [Shiny Shabby]

† 312 †

† 312 †

† Nospherato † Hair: MINA - Jacky - Essentials  Hoodie:7mad;Ravens Here Now [MOM] Pants: // SEUL GARCON \\ Hedi Bikers - Leather Boots: [Deadwool] Patmos boots - black

† 311 †

† 311 †

† Billita † Hair: [monso] My Hair - Fernanda /Black Brown Tie: #187# Smarty Tie [Black Dot] Dress: Kaithleen's Ups! Zipper Fail Dress - Black Nails: DP - Koffin Nails - Maitreya -

† 310 †

† 310 †

† Nospherato † Hair: [bade] Ernie - greys HUD [MOM] Googles: Kenvie - vintage Goggles - Slate Lips Nail: Chemical Princess {Nail Mouth Ring Black} Sweater: V-Spot - Chillout Knit BLACK [MOM] Cuff: [CX] Simple Cuffs 

† 309 †

† 309 †

† Billita † Bow: .DirtyStories. Emo Dirty Bow Hair: *booN FNQ123 hair red/pink/green Collar: Chemical Princess { Dirty Bunny Collar Black} [Kinky] Tattoo: *Merlific* Open Chess Scars Tattoo Men and Woman[13th Nightmare Hunt]

† 308 †

† 308 †

† Nospherato † Pants: [JuSt CoOl] Oh Yea Baby - Black Boots: = REBELLION = "HAVOC" SLIP-ON BOOTS [MOM] First/Scene Props: 7mad;Ravens: Poor Man's Graveyard [TAG! Gacha] Second/Scene Props: uK - Waterside Market Barrel 1,2,3,Seat [Wayward

† 307 †

† 307 †

† Billita † Horns: +Half-Deer+ Aventine Horns - Voyager Hair: TRUTH HAIR Ryleigh -  black & whites Piercing: PUNCH / Pentacle / Nose Ring Scarf: Goth1c0: Oscure Wicked Scarf - Rigged Mesh Necklace:

† 306 †

† 306 †

† Nospherato † Hair: *Dura-Anime* 02- DARK COLOR FAT Jacket: ::GB:: Side-zip leather jacket [TMD] Pants: Ascend // Harajuku Swag Pants [MOM] Boots: [DustyHut]Repairman Boots Pose: Signature Pose - Corvus  [GEN-Neutral] Furniture Sofa: Trompe Loeil - Alexi

† 305 †

† 305 †

† Billita † Crown: (Poisoned Diamond) QUEEN OF BAT Crown [Freak Show] Horn: :ZS: Unipus Horn [Pastel Goth Fair] Hair: +Spellbound+ Cursed // Chapter II : Sky  Piercing: Chemical Princess {Nail Mouth Ring

† 304 †

† 304 †

† Billita † Hair: +Spellbound+ Velvet // Black White Dipdye Skin: 7 Deadly s{K}ins - Venus v2 Pipe: #187# Pipe & Roses [The Darkness Fair] Piercing: [ni.Ju] Terymn Piercing Necklace: .HW. Mara .Necklace.

† 303 †

† 303 †

† Nospherato † Hair: A&Y Cyro Hair (male) Visor: ~*S.E.*~  Ocular Feedback Visor [Geeks'n'Nerds] Implant: ~*S.E.*~ Essence of Life - Chest Implant [Geeks'n'Nerds] Arms: CLOCKERS // Cyborg ExoArms Pants: Xeno - Digi Camo Pants  Pose: Signature Pose -

† 302 †

† 302 †

† Billita † Ears: [LCKY] Oreille de chaton // Achromatic Pack Hair: /Wasabi Pills/ Anya Mesh Hair - Blacks Pack Jewerly: . Quirky . - Lovable Set - ALL THE THINGS  Lingerie: ::Fulana'S::

† 301 †

† 301 †

† Nospherato † Hair: [bade] Jakob - browns HUD [TSS] Skin: 7 Deadly s{K}ins  - LIAM Necklace: AITUI - Hammered Steel Necklace Pants: HEYDRA Hosier Pants Crosses  Furniture: uK - Chipped Boss Seat [Gen Neutral]    uK -

† 300 †

† 300 †

† Billita † Hair: "LoQ Hair" BerryJuice Mask: ..::PD::.. Diabolic Mask [Suicide Dollz] Top: -BOD- 666 top Nails: Suicide Gurls - Rage Nails & Gloves [Totally Top Shelf] Axe: RO - Zombie Axe

† 299 †

† 299 †

† Billita † Hair: TRUTH HAIR Ximena -  black & whites Costume: AFI Designs Doctor Love Costume hands tattoo: Ama : Slink Av.Enhance-tattoos : Blood and Dirt  Nails: DP - Koffin Nails -

† 298 †

† 298 †

Fence: unKindness - Country Fence Dark [TSS] Tree: Skye Enchanted Tree Tunnel Single 

† 297 †

† 297 †

† Billita † Hair: [monso] My Hair - Fernanda /Black Brown Glasses: #187# Double Round Glasses  Jacket: ..::PD::.. Kawaii Jacket [Black][Black Dot Project] Skirt: MoDANNA [Spirit Collection] Short Belted Skirt Red Tartan Heels:

† 296 †

† 296 †

† Billita † Crown: #187# Dope Fall [Fashion Week] Hair: [RA] Kerli Hair - Essential Tattoo: Suicide Gurls - Condemned Unisex Face Tattoo[Fair Play] Dress: Chemical Princess {B-Witch Black/b} Nails: DP - Koffin

† 295 †

† 295 †

† Billita † Tattoo: Suicide Gurls - Nissa Tattoo [Suicide Dollz] Nipples: #187# Roses Nipple Covers Outfit: (Poisoned Diamond) [Fahion Week 15] Skirt: Blueberry - Miri - Maitreya / Slink / Belleza -

† 294 †

† 294 †

† Nospherato † Mask: [SWaGGa]  - Stitched Mask [TSS GIFT] Horns: Obscure - Bone Horns (Brown) Tattoo: **UrbanStreet** DirtyBroken Tattoo [Suicide Dollz]