† Where love lives †

† Where love lives †

 tram H0608 hair / HUD-AOver - Anime ShirtOver - Anime PantsTakuyal Temple - The Bearded Guy

† School Days †

† School Days †

 Navy+Copper - Kaylee *katat0nik* (bw / nerd) Glasses =Zenith=autumn school uniforms (Black)M&T Back to School Bento Poses {60SpecialGO} 

† Akari †

† Akari †

 Moon. Hair // - B&W - BuffyOver - Dev ShirtBlueberry - Spotlight - High & Low Jeans - Midnight~[LeiMotiv] *PATTERNS * Vesela High top sneakers

† After Party †

† After Party †

 tram K0328 hair / HUD-AAdoreZ-Snow White Outfit[//REBIRTH/]- Gnomes after work{60SpecialGO}Unicorn Apples Place Backdrop           

† You are stronger than your problems †

† You are stronger than your problems †

 Moon. Hair Primary // - CharlieHERO - Ambra Outfit [Rezz Room] Box Bengal Cat   Animesh Companion RARE

† Give me a break †

† Give me a break †

 Sintiklia - Hair Cora ~[LeiMotiv] Hanna Jumpsuit REIGN.- RAINBOW DRINKFOXCITY. Selfie VOL2 Bento Pose Set FOXCITY. Photo Booth - The Hangout (Sunset)

† Exorcist †

† Exorcist †

 Tableau Vivant - Mourning Sisters - Melancholy - B+W#187# Coffin Glasses [erotiK] Keyla Jumper {60SpecialGO}+Psycho Barbie+ Lace Coat .PALETO.Backdrop:EXORCISM