† 620 †

† Billita † 

Hair: /Wasabi Pills/ Kai Mesh Hair
Top: Bishes Inc Silk Top WHITE
Wrist: *katat0nik* Buckle Wrist Straps Unisex
Pant: SPIRIT - Lova jeans w harness 

† Nospherato †

Hair: Blues. Annie
Necklace:  **RE** Brutal Necklace
Tattoo: { Speakeasy } All Seeing Tattoo
Vest: .Method-Moda, Leather Cargo Vest_grey [MOM]
Pants: ::GB::loose belt pants with shoes set_black

† Billita †

Hair: [taketomi]_Ayame_DarkBrowns  
Romper: ::OOPS:: Nora Romper
Tattoo: Suicide Gurls - Davina Leg Tattoo
Sandals: fri. - Sophie.Sandals (Coal)

Pose: XXY - Living our lies "slightly edited" [The Dark Style Fair 3]
Sofa: uK - Old Americana Seat Black Gacha iten
Table:  : Lewd :  Rockin' Table (Black) [Rock Attitude Fair 3 Opens June 04th]

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Ceyron Louis

Welcome to Under[Z]one Blogger. We are Billita / Nospherato, we love what we do and hope you enjoy it as much as we do! Here you will find all the best of Second Life. Feel free to contact us if you have any questions

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